MAMA jewelry

MAMAkoru supports sustainable fashion by offering cornerstones to customers' footwear selections. I strive for the collection to be fashionable, but at the same time last. I want MAMAkoru as a brand to appear warm and approachable. I am grateful that I get to do such wonderful, creative and engaging work....


I was born in 1981 in Kruunupy in Central Ostrobothnia. Ever since I was little, I've been hard at dreaming big. I have often wondered about people who would like to do something, but don't go out of their way to implement their idea. I have also been guided by a strong sense of justice, and I suffer greatly when I see injustice. I've learned to live with my sensitivity and I try to do my best in everything I can influence.

The story of MAMAkoru started when I initially made small batches of jewelry for sale as a side job. Later I had to and wanted to give up my former job. That's where the story of my jewelry really just began. I started making jewelry as my main job. It was a great decision! I've realized that I don't have to limit what I can do, but I can do many kinds of things. Stylistically, however, my jewelry is harmonious and recognizable, but the techniques and themes in the jewelry may vary. I also follow a lot of fashion, and that affects the kind of jewelry I make.