Vorssa Ink

Vorssa Ink; Domestic handcrafted earrings. Recycled materials, quality and domesticity play an important role in Vorssa Ink's operations. All accessories, packaging materials and jewelry parts are sourced from Finland, from Finnish importers and subcontractors, as far as possible. At the same time supporting Finnish co-entrepreneurs. All unique earrings are made...

Vorssa Ink

Vorssa Ink earrings are big, colorful and spectacular. However, the most important thing about our jewelry is that they are light and super comfortable to wear at the same time! The most rewarding thing is when we see the earrings in real use! Then we know that someone has identified with our soul landscape and wants to express their personality with unique and bold earrings.

*Support your local earrings dealer*

With courage and love,

Kata / Vorssa Ink